Garett Aron Sobotka

Job Title

Professional River Guide



With OARS Since



Williamsburg, VA

Current Location

Anywhere, US

Offseason Gig

Snow Cat Driver

About me

I love to continually explore, learn, and make connections with new people.

The Best Part of My Job

Being able to impart my love of wilderness and water to anyone who wants to gain a better understanding

How I found OARS

I was lucky enough to fall under the leadership of a mentor who motivated me to find new things to love in the great outdoors.

My Favorite Spot on the River/Outdoors

One of the most amazing trips I have taken was through the Grand Tetons. The last night of the hike, we were in the most beautiful valley, looking up at an amazing sky and basking in all the glory.

My Favorite Trip Memory

Climbing down into a boat pinned at the top of Ruck-a-Chucky Falls.

My Lucky Charm

Always wear a helmet.

I Can’t Live Without

Hand salve.

Meet me on these adventures

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