Ashley Doucet
Job Title
Professional River Guide
With OARS Since
Boston, MA
Current Location
Nowhere and anywhere!
Offseason Gig
Ski Resort Restaurant Manager
About me
Skiing and rafting all over the country is what my life has become, and I am loving every second and living my absolute dream.
The Best Part of My Job
Seeing so many beautiful places and meeting wonderful people that I never could have if I followed my original path.
How I found OARS
I transitioned from a career in molecular biology to rafting when COVID put a pause on my grad school plans.
My Favorite Spot on the River/Outdoors
I spent a couple of months living next to Rooster Tail Rapid on the Kings River, and that spot will always hold a massive piece of my heart.
My Favorite Trip Memory
My favorite memory is swimming my first class IV rapid, Hell’s Kitchen on the Tuolumne, top to bottom. It changed my life and taught me so much.
Favorite River Tradition
Glitter on the river!
I Can’t Live Without
Salve in every pocket, bag, and ammo can.
Meet me on these adventures
Rogue River Rowing Clinic
Adventure Level:
Moderately Challenging
Minimum Age:
18 (16 with parent/guardian also in the class)