15 Instagram Feeds to Follow if You Love Rivers

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Adventure Inspiration: 15 Instagram Accounts to Follow if You Love Rivers

Even guides, who are unplugged most of the summer, love Instagram for collecting adventure inspiration and connecting with fellow river lovers across the world.

Want to know who they follow? Here are some guide-favorite feeds…

1) River Radius Podcast | @riverradiuspodcast

Longtime guide and river fanatic Sam Carter started the River Radius to encourage the conservation of wild rivers. His many episodes cover everything from intricacy in policy to risk management and healthcare for river guides. His Instagram offers snippets of episodes and moments from Carter’s life on and off the water.

2) Dane Jackson | @danejacksonkayak

Just a crazy, big-line kayaker in a pink boat (in case you need to show your mom your lifestyle really isn’t THAT extreme).

3) Brooke Hess | @brookehess

Same goes for Brooke Hess—just a crazy, big-line kayaker in a pink boat. Also, validation for all the river women out there who get asked, “Aren’t you too small for that?”

4) Amber Toner | @thebugparade

Amber Toner showcases how an adventurous fly fishing lifestyle doesn’t have to end with the addition of a wee one. Big trout with bigger scenery make this a favorite feed when I need inspiration to head out to the river.

5) NRS | @nrsweb

When was the last time you were on a river and didn’t use a single piece of NRS gear? From the world’s most ubiquitous river gear company comes an equally as diverse Instagram feed. From epic whitewater shots to picture-perfect Dutch oven meals and stories of their ambassador’s expeditions, there’s something here for the river lover in all of us. If you’re more into rivers for the fish, don’t miss their fishing-specific feed @nrsfishing.

6) Erik Boomer | @erikboomer

Erik doesn’t post his gorgeous photos of Northern Lights, sled dogs and kiting often, but when he does my response is usually, “WHAT?!?” From Baffin Island to Idaho, Boomer’s river and arctic adventures have an expeditionary, old-soul quality to them.

7) Grand Canyon Trust | @grandcanyontrust

Sometimes it can be hard to remember the Colorado River watershed is a lot more than Lava Falls, Nankoweap and Deer Creek. The Grand Canyon Trust feed is like taking a basin-wide tour, from verdant high country to hot arroyos and hiking trails.

8) Gnarnivores | @gnarnivores

For river carnage, Gnarnivores is number one. Their features often include horizontal flips, whacky kayak shenanigans, churning chaotic surfs and the occasional R2 Hail Mary. And let’s not forget about their long-running Sunken Sundays, a collection of wraps of every shape and size. It’s a good account to follow for what not to do in many whitewater situations.

9) American Rivers | @americanrivers

If you love America’s rivers, you should love (and like) American Rivers. As one of the nation’s forefront river conservation organizations, American Rivers’ feed takes you on a tour of our country’s most precious resource: water.

10) Protect Our Rivers | @protectourrivers_org

Protect Our Rivers works to protect and preserve natural river ecosystems—through active conservation and education. The organization is built upon three distinct areas of impact: conservation, education and access that work together to improve the rivers in our country. Their Instagram account keeps followers abreast of all their amazing work.

11) Outside Hilary | @outsidehilary 

A premier fly fishing guide in one of the nation’s troutiest states, Glacier-area guide Hilary Hutcheson shows us the fish beyond the surface of our favorite rivers, as well as the family and community behind #guidelife.

12) J Maxfield | @sleepygoat

Growing up in Moscow, ID and loving big whitewater, I never gave much thought to the levees and reservoirs around Lewiston. Sleepy Goat’s flatwater kayak trips and beautiful photography has helped me see the Snake River Canyon (and non-whitewater travel) through new eyes.

13) Drew Madden | @rivers.to.sea

A refreshingly light and playful artist, Drew Madden grew up in a family of river guides, rafters and kayakers. Stickers from his gallery can often be spotted decorating the helmets and bumpers of those who’ve sworn by a lifestyle on the river.

14) Katie Cahn | @katiecahn

When I think of the Southeast I think of the best hush puppies I’ve ever tasted…not fly fishing. Katie Cahn, a Blue Ridge Mountain fly fishing guide, is changing that one brown trout at a time. Plus, her friendship with fellow fly fishing nut @oliviadwil gives us all #squadgoals.

15) OARS | @oars_rafting

Featuring moments from their catalog of amazing river trips, OARS’s account is a blended smoothie of all the wonderful and sometimes unexpected things that make time on the river time well spent. Reels of gnarly whitewater to quiet landscapes, there’s more to their feed than “buy this trip,” but you might end up booking one anyway.

River lovers can find endless adventure inspiration on Instagram. Get lost in these favorite hashtags for more:

#flyfishing | #guidevibes | #wearewater | #keepemwet | #whitewater | #guideidaho | #oarslife

Portrait of a woman fishing

Emerald LaFortune

Emerald LaFortune (she/her) is an outdoor writer, whitewater and fly fish guide, and community builder based in rural Idaho. Follow her adventures on Instagram at @emeraldlensmedia.

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