Bridget Sidwell

Job Title

Professional River Guide





With OARS Since


Bridget Sidwell - guide - Meet the Team


Denver, CO

Current Location


Offseason Gig

Renewable Energy Fangirl

About me

Passionate about the bruschetta appetizer, skiing, screenprinting, and learning the fiddle. I recently graduated with a Physics degree and am looking to work with renewables, as well as keep up guiding.

The Best Part of My Job

Meeting strong, intelligent, capable river people who inspire me to support outdoor communities and try new adventures.

How I found OARS

Growing up, my brother and I would find rafting day trips to go on for our birthdays, and I always wanted to become a guide!

My Favorite Spot on the River/Outdoors

I love Clay Hill camp with a fiery passion.

My Favorite Trip Memory

I convinced my family to come on a trip, and the memory of my brother IKing every rapid with a huge smile on his face is near and dear to my heart.

Favorite River Tradition

I'm a big fan of wearing blossoms on "Blossom Day.”

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